Commercial Loans

A Commercial Loan differs from a residential mortgage in that the collateral used to secure a commercial loan is a commercial building or business real estate instead of a residential property.

About Commercial Loans

Commercial Loans are tipically fixed. However, some borrowers are opting for a variable interest rate to take advantage of lower initial payments. A loan of this nature runs the risk of having interest rates increase and thus increasing monthly payments.

Loan Repayment Schedule

Unlike residential mortgage loans, most commercial loans require a balloon payment at some point during the loan term. This means that after a given amount of time making small monthly repayments, the borrower would be required to make a large final payment consisting of the remainder of the loan.

We are committed to quality customer service!

Our goal is to carefully guide you through the home loan process, so that you can confidently select the best mortgage for you and your family from the many mortgage options that are available today.

Contact One of our Loan Officers!